A Study on Slip Selection in the Equivalent Circuit Test Method of 750W Three-Phase Induction Motor

by EMLAB on Jul 11, 2022


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저자 Yong-Joon Park
Jin Hur
논문지명 The Transactions of
the KIEE
A Study on Slip Selection in the Equivalent Circuit Test Method of 750W Three-Phase Induction Motor
750W 삼상유도전동기 등가회로 시험법의 슬립선정에 관한 연구

Manufacturers are using the equivalent circuit test method that can be used as a method to calculate the characteristics of the 750W 
three-phase motor without a motor-specific tester called the dynamometer. By selecting the slip within the limited range of the
calculated output that varies depending on the slip, the test result by improved equivalent circuit method can be obtained close to
the result measured by the dynamometer. And by analyzing the reproducibility of these test results and the error with the
dynamometer method, and confirming their validity, it is intended to be used as a standard for the slip selection method.
Key Words
Dynamometer method, Equivalent circuit method, Reliability, Slip selection, Three-phase Induction motor


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