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저자 S.B. Yoon, Jin Hur,
Y.D. Chun and D.S. Hyun
논문지명 IEEE Transactions
on Magnetics

Sang-Baeck Yoon, Jin Hur, Yon-Do Chun and Dong-Seok Hyun, "Shape Optimization of Solenoid Actuator Using Finite Element Method and Numerical Optimization Technique", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 4140-4142, November 1997.


 This paper presents shape optimization of moving core type solenoid actuator driven by

DC source. 3-D axisymmetric finite element method(FEM) is used for the electromagnetic

field analysis and saturation effect of the magnetic material is considered. The mechanical

dynamic equation and electrical circuit equation are also coupled.

In the dynamic characteristic by FEM, we adapt a moving line technique to save

computation time and to perform the process efficiently. Among the optimization

algorithms, sequential quadratic programming (SQP) is carried out for the shape

optimization. A good performance of optimized solenoid actuator has been verified

through the experiment.

번호 분류 제목 논문지명 저자
10 2001 "Performance Analysis of Skewed PM Linear Synchronous Motor According to Various Design Parameters"   IEEE Transactions
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9 2001 "Dynamic Analysis of Linear Induction Motors using 3-D Equivalent Magnetic Circuit Network (EMCN) Method"   Journal of Electric Power
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8 2001 "Robust Optimization of Electric Machine Using Stochastic Finite Element Method"   Journal of Electric Engineering  Y.K. Kim, J.P. Hong
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7 1999 "3-D Analysis of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor with Magnet Arrangement Using EMCN"   IEEE Transactions
on Magnetics 
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6 1998 "Lateral Characteristic Analysis of PMLSM Considering Overhang Effect by 3 Dimensional Equivalent Magnetic Circuit Network Method"   IEEE Transactions
on Magnetics 
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and D.S. Hyun 
5 1998 "Dynamic Analysis of Radial Force Density in Brushless DC Motor Using 3 Dimensional Equivalent Magnetic Circuit Network Method"   IEEE Transactions
on Magnetics 
Jin Hur, Y.D. Chun,
J. Lee and D.S. Hyun 
4 1998 "A Method for Reduction of Cogging Torque in Brushless D. C. Motor Considering the Distribution of Magnetization by 3D EMC"   IEEE Transactions
on Magnetics 
Jin Hur, J.P. Hong
and D.S. Hyun 
3 1997 "Analysis of PMLSM Using Three Dimensional Equivalent Magnetic Circuit Network Method"   IEEE Transactions
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D.Y. Hwang and D.S. Hyun 
2 1997 "A Method of Optimal Design of Single-Sided Linear Induction Motor for Transit"   IEEE Transactions
on Magnetics 
S.B. Yoon, Jin Hur
and D.S. Hyun 
» 1997 "Shape Optimization of Solenoid Actuator Using Finite Element Method and Numerical Optimization Technique"   IEEE Transactions
on Magnetics 
S.B. Yoon, Jin Hur,
Y.D. Chun and D.S. Hyun 
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