◆ 주 최 : IEEE
◆ 장 소 : 호주, 시드니
◆ 기 간 : 2011.07.11(월) ~ 2011.07.17(일)
◆ 참석자 : 허진(교수님), 이선권(논문1, 2), 김경태(논문3), 김형욱(논문4), 차상훈(논문5)
◆ 논문제목
1. Finite Element Computation of Magnetic Vibration Sources in 100kW Two
Fractional-Slot Interior Permanent Magnet Machines for Ship
2. Unbalanced Radial Force and Vibration Mode Analysis of Large Interiror
Permanent Magnet Machines with Static, Dynamic and Mixed Eccentricity
3. New Fault Impedance Modeling For Inter-Turn Fault Analysis of IPM motor
4. Dynamic Modeling of IPM-type BLDC Motor for Irreversible Demagnetization
Due to Stator Turn Fault.
5. Dynamic Analysis Modeling under Dynamic Eccentricity―Stator Inter-turn Fault
Coupling with Design Technique for Reliability Rise of IPM-type BLDCM
◆ 관련 사이트(아래 클릭)