◆ 주 최 : KIEE ( The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers )
◆ 장 소 : 한국, 서울
◆ 기 간 : 2012. 10. 09 ~ 2012. 10. 12
◆ 참석자 : 허진(교수님), 김경태, 김형욱, 차상훈, 박준규, 정채림
◆ 논 문
1. Magnetic Characteristic Analysis for Detection of Inter-Turn Fault using
Winding Function Theory
2. Design of New Spoke Type Brushless DC Motor for Neodymium Permanent
Magnet Free
3. Suppression of Shaft Voltage for Preventing Bearing Fault
of IPM-Type High Voltage Motor in the Electric Vehicle
4. Characteristic Analysis of Inter-turn Fault in IPM and SPM-type BLDC motor
5. Impedance Diagnosis Algorism for Detecting of Inter-Turn Fault in IPM type motor
◆ 관련 사이트 (아래 클릭)